Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pelangi Hitam Putih 2011 Gue

Aneh yah, kok ada warna pelang hitam putih. Lu pasti ngertilah artinya, sebentar lagi bakalan tahun 2012. Ada yang bilang tahun 2012 itu tahun yang angker, katanya 2012 itu bakalan doomsday. Gue sendiri sih pertama-pertama ngerasa ngeri juga, tapi pas sekarang-sekarang biasa-biasa aja tuh.

Ada kebiasaan gue kalo menyambut tahun baru gue suka ketiduran. Well, gue belum pernah yah tahun baruan di tempat-tempat yang rame. Selama ini gue selalu tidur dan dulu pernah hampir gak tidur, tapi karena ngantuk gue tidur lagi. Ceritanya sih gue mau melek sambil ikutan bakar-bakar ikan.

Sekarang gue 18 tahun dan gue akhir-akhir punya penyakit 18, yang pernah ngalami umur 18 katanya pasti tahu. Penyakit ini adalah penyakit yang ngebikin orang gak bisa tidur dan kalupun gue ngantuk itu di waktu yang tidak lazim. Jam 5 pagi, itu jam biasanya dipake orang buat tidur.

Hal yang tergila yang pernah gue lakuin di 2011 gue parnah naik motor bertiga tanpa helm di jalan yang rame tempat nongkrong polisi, motor nya juga motor bebek dan yang paling parah gue bertga nerobos lampu merah sambil ngebut.

ngatuk ah, tidur dulu...

Friday, December 30, 2011

So? What the Heal?!

Since my friends got a huge income (i think it huge) they ask me to join their bushines, but i dislike it. What bushines i mean? often call multi level marketing. I know it, MLM was a bushines that owned by peoples that hope their live rich quickly with easy work.

I have join MLM when i was high school, 1st grade. Yeah, my mind thinking live rich quickly. And my friend who asked me join that give me the proof. He show me many testimonial about that. Then, i don't know why, but i'm interesting about that.

Since i had had 1st grade, i use to make money online and i made it. Mybe the reason i was join that is that. Please, don't ask me anything like that. I'm happy if you are rich, if you are success, and i never will asking ur mony. I was watched you oration in social media (facebook i mean) that you got a big income, yeah it up to you, but don't ask me to join.

Monday, December 19, 2011

That film was so great!

haha.. ceritanya gue tadi nonton satu film lagi yang membuat gue terkagum-kagum, oh ya. Gue nggak ngebicarain film trannsformer, harry potter, narnia, atau kungfu panda 2. It story all about collage activity, yeah dia itu cewe yang penuh energi, betapapun masalah nya gede dia tetep semangat dan ngeberesin masalah itu part by part.

beda banget sama gue yang baru diberi masalah sedikit langsung ngeluh, OK, i'm ready to be a winer. Gue yakin gue bisa dan gue akan semangat terus ngejar cita-cita gue, kalaupun tuhan bicara lain gue bakalan tetep percaya kalo itu jalan terbaik buat gue. Yeah, i'm a human, gue bukan malaikat yang perfect.

I hope in last year gue bisa ngemaksimalin potensi gue, gue bisa jadi apa yang gue pengen. Gue bisa jadi scientiest, gue bisa nguasai sainlah. Ya minimal tingkat SMA, terus untuk special skill gue milih ilmu komputer. Gue liat komputer tuh keren, bisa ngapain aja deh..

Oh yeah, thank to TED for all video was i wached, all video is awsome!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm tired

so long i have learned. But the result didn't came better, i hope in the last 4 month i can do some better, huge better. My frend almost close to touch his target, and i thnik they would be. who is wrong? me? or my endurance? i don't know. God please give me the best way tou touch that.

last day i watched the film, the title is "facing the giants" the fils was so great. I can learn many think of that, firs belive that god will help us, second the god will help us if we are ready for the field.

The film said "there are two farmer, both have a filed. they pray to god :god please give me rain.. who would been gived rain from god? the answer: the farmer who ready prepare his field to give the rain. Yes that it"

I can learned from that that live not only pray, but we must prepare or work. my be i didn't work right, mybe god have some great plan. whatever god give me i will trust that god will give me the best. In the last 5 mont from now i will study more harder.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Semiunggu Gak Belajar Buat SNMPTN

Somehow gue suka lupa deh dengan misi utama gue. Gue ngerasa semakin jauh, tapi gue juga ngerasa semakin deket dengan misi gue. PG gue kecil tapi gue yakin gue bisa terus ningkatinnya. Ketika gue lupa missi gue, seharian gue cuman main internet mulu... malamnya pas mau tidur gue galau karena gak belajar.

Sip... gue buka fb n liat2 foto2 mereka yang sudah lulus. Vhew.. gue termotivasi, gue semangat lagi.. semoga bisa jadi cambuk buat gue... eh ya.. progress gue sekarang matematika sudah hampir nguasai, tinggal dimantepin lagi bagian trigonometri, limit, integral, suku banyak, program linier, matrix, lingkaran... fisika masih bergelut dengan mekanika,, kimia masih bergelut dengan cd 1.

Ca yoo.. gue belajar dulu yah...