Sunday, March 25, 2012

Three Kinds of Knowladge

Ok, I will talk about knowledge. My mentor teach me about three kind of knowledge and I agree with him. The three kinds of knowledge are, fundamental skills, insightful knowledge, and practical skills.

First: practical skills

This knowledge is the most important than two other. This knowledge worthy for how to thinking right. There are any thing that is important in pactical skills.

First, critical thinking and logic. Critical thinking is tool for thinking rightly, it can select the right information form all information that enter to us, I mean how do we know what we know is true. Many peoples feel they can thinking rightly, but for thinking rightly the core is how we can use logic rule with universal right and not easy to cheat.

Example: When I was kid, any informations that enter to me was random. I was scared with ghost,I was scared with dark, etc. But, when I grow and I know the truth of logic, I realize that ghost is nothing. Why we scared to ghost? That because our environment tell us we must scared to ghost. Parents tell me "If you a bad kid you will have kidnapped by ghost" or my friends said, "Ghost is like a monster, that face is very bad." But, do they face to face to ghost? I think they only know ghost from film.

So, the most important is the rule of logic.

Second, Math. I mean here math is not calculating for daily activity, but more than it. With we understand math rightly, we can create thinking pattrents. You know, mats is consistent and always right. Not only that, with math we can linked all of our information that is saaved in our brain.

Third, verbal skills. The most important is english, why? because language is the core how we can comunication with other. And it can make complex pattrents, the truth based on research, peoples who mastering more than two language have an IQ more higher than other who only can speak mother language.


This knowladge is importand to be learned. Why? apart form what backgroun are you come form, this knowlade work for build our knowladge about the world and hostory. You don't have to mastering one by one of special knowladge, you just know how it will be and the history.

Insightful knowladge can open our eyes about the world. Example about insightful knowladge, how earth been created, how human survive in the past, how plants can eat, etc. You just know the general science or the big picture of that.

Third: Special Skills

By definiton you should know what I mean. If you want your life worthly at sociaty you have to have special skills. You have to mastering at least one skills, what is special skills? like enginer, doctor, marketer, programer, comunator, etc.
You must note, beafore you have special skills you must have practical skills and insightfull knowladge.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

When I was kid

All peaple must have youth, ex they are still kid/babby. When i was kid i felt a freedom, i didn't though anything about future. But know i feel "galau" (i didn't found a right word ex "galau") if i thniking about future. what will be i am? i still with parents, i don't know if i live alone, without anyone who i love.

when i was kid, i can touch world, sure the whole world. i love power ranger, disny land, games, super mario, etc. But know, i have to thinking twice if i want play with them/it. Time is much more valuable that these. I'm still trying to manage time valuable as musch as i can.

when i was kid, i didn't thought about school, about education, but know, i feel something must be wrong if didn't thingking it. you know, education is a vital thing. If you not life with education or science you just not far with "trash". People muet heve three kinds of knowladge, first general knowlade (math, language, and logic), second special skill, and third is general thingking.

When I was kid, i fall in love with my older sister. I didn't know what was love. I jusr i love him, but i didn't know the meaning of it. But know, i have been known the meaning of it, love not just felt have each other, but want to protect him, and feel waht she felt.

that i'm.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

General Thinking

When I was high school i was confiused with major that i must take. Wheather it ture or false for me i didn't know. My parents suggest me to take medical. I am blood fobia, so i don't want take it. You know i love math, i have being love math since I five grade.

When national exam have done, i will take computer science major, i did't past first choice but i passed second choice. I didn't happy at all, but i take it. My parent presure me to take it.

Now, I'll be faced to selection again. I know how far my skills to answer exam, so, for it will take the general major for know. why? cause my first choice is too high for me.

I will take computer science at UI for first choice and math for second choise. I hope i can pass although it's second choise. the plan B if i don't pass both, i will take SIMAK. i'll try it again, but with different comppsition, first chise is computer science *again* and second choise is information system.

I don't want study at my current at all. why? i don't want answer the question here, but i will give a little bit clue, *not as i imaged*. Do you know? my IP classided at high rate. 3,65. But i don't satisfed at all. I must be going to UI.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Other Way

YEahhhhh,.. I found new hope, new target, and the close target that I can rich. If you read my past story, my goal was a STEI. But, now i can see new light that close. The benchmark based on PG, i don't know other benchmark besaids PG. Ok, the new laight is UI, fikom UM exactly.

If april I can rich 55% i will choose computer science, but if I don't i will choose system information. DIfferent story if I can rich 62 or 65% I will choose STEI, you know.. STEI has been my dream since high school. I will so proud myself if i can rich it.

But the only one problem is the cost. Huph, it will be a big cost for me,.. So, i must take schoolarship... it can alleviate my cost, my parents cost.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Knew Me

for the last day, finaly I knew who was I. I knew the true self of me, sometime I was thinking about my personality. What will be I am? in the past i thought i must to be a rich, a jenius, and that all is what about perfect. But, till few minutes ago i know the true self of me. So I was an otaku and being an otaku. What is otaku?

I don't want to tell you what is otaku, if you know it, yeah thanks. But if you do not know it, it just easy, try to googling with keyword "otaku is" or search on wikipedia. besaids i was love math or science. you will be know the reason why i love science and math with read my past posts. first otaku, second math and science, and third is I am a fans of 48-family.

the reasons why i love 48-family is their musics. 48's musics give me spirit, give me a light, and touch my heart. If you an Indonesian you must be call me "lebay". I don't care at all. I just tell what I am.

I don't know if in the future my hobby is change. I hope in the future i can rich my goal to become a super great programer. I can study at STEI, and then i can travel the world, I can visit japan and meet with Takamina-chan and Yuki-chan. do you know? i have dreamed about meet dreem.

You know Japan is great, clean, and beautiful. And that is my reasons. If I can live in japan for just one weak I want visit akihabara, I want visit Shueshua, I want meet Oda Sensei, Mashima Sensei, and Doraemon. haha.. just kiddin'

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just Wrote what I thought

I always thinking what i have been doing all of this time. You know, for next three month the high school students and ex-high school students who don't take a chance to collage will be apperance to National Selection Exam. And i know that task is not easy. In USA it's called SAT.

If i have much time, maybe i should study physics clearly. But, i think i can study for physics only for answer the task not for practise. I love physics, but i still don't understand how to study it. With physics i can explore whole of the world. I can study a time, energy, black hole, etc.

My target at National Selection Exam is can answer five question with true value. You know, all questions are 15, and i must answer right only 5. The calculation is, the right answer gived +4. And for the false answer gived -1. How if that question we don't answer? it gived 0.

And also called PG or passing grade. That is the value or grade value for pass the relative of University. And do you know, my target grade is 65% the rate from -100% to 100%,.. haha.

I can write more, i must study, bye..