Sunday, March 25, 2012

Three Kinds of Knowladge

Ok, I will talk about knowledge. My mentor teach me about three kind of knowledge and I agree with him. The three kinds of knowledge are, fundamental skills, insightful knowledge, and practical skills.

First: practical skills

This knowledge is the most important than two other. This knowledge worthy for how to thinking right. There are any thing that is important in pactical skills.

First, critical thinking and logic. Critical thinking is tool for thinking rightly, it can select the right information form all information that enter to us, I mean how do we know what we know is true. Many peoples feel they can thinking rightly, but for thinking rightly the core is how we can use logic rule with universal right and not easy to cheat.

Example: When I was kid, any informations that enter to me was random. I was scared with ghost,I was scared with dark, etc. But, when I grow and I know the truth of logic, I realize that ghost is nothing. Why we scared to ghost? That because our environment tell us we must scared to ghost. Parents tell me "If you a bad kid you will have kidnapped by ghost" or my friends said, "Ghost is like a monster, that face is very bad." But, do they face to face to ghost? I think they only know ghost from film.

So, the most important is the rule of logic.

Second, Math. I mean here math is not calculating for daily activity, but more than it. With we understand math rightly, we can create thinking pattrents. You know, mats is consistent and always right. Not only that, with math we can linked all of our information that is saaved in our brain.

Third, verbal skills. The most important is english, why? because language is the core how we can comunication with other. And it can make complex pattrents, the truth based on research, peoples who mastering more than two language have an IQ more higher than other who only can speak mother language.


This knowladge is importand to be learned. Why? apart form what backgroun are you come form, this knowlade work for build our knowladge about the world and hostory. You don't have to mastering one by one of special knowladge, you just know how it will be and the history.

Insightful knowladge can open our eyes about the world. Example about insightful knowladge, how earth been created, how human survive in the past, how plants can eat, etc. You just know the general science or the big picture of that.

Third: Special Skills

By definiton you should know what I mean. If you want your life worthly at sociaty you have to have special skills. You have to mastering at least one skills, what is special skills? like enginer, doctor, marketer, programer, comunator, etc.
You must note, beafore you have special skills you must have practical skills and insightfull knowladge.

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